Sunday 11 September 2011

Rollin' along sun-kissed and crazy

Sometimes it all just works out. Five minutes after I put the bike into the shed, walked into the house and finished my drink in my bidon. I looked outside to see a beautiful sight. Rain pouring out of the sky, and not one drop was falling on me or my bike.

And that was not all. The ride, an ACG one, the ACG one, was a conglomeration of groups, fast, slow, leisure, a veritable Barretts box of Axbridge cyclist. I warmed up with a trip over the top of Shipham hill, before dropping down to the Square and meeting lots of people, all headed for Sweet's cafe. All of us headed out to the open spaces of the levels.

The roadies started together, before a group of five of us took the long way around, into the breeze, over Brent Knoll and through Burtle before arriving. Once there, the leisure riders, and Wonderboy, and the other half of the road group all arrived, a grand total of about 17 of us. Takeover.

Much convivial conversation about the Tour of Britain, bikes, potholes, crashes, all sorts. After that it was back into the sunshine, all of us together at first, the roadies anyway, some sprinting practice and then some hill climbing practice, before coming together for the final sprint back to Cheddar and home.

Not once did it rain. It's the small things in life that make me happy. Great company, great riding, great weather.

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