Saturday 28 August 2010

Slow down, you move too fast....

Tapering. Ummm. Nice theory, very difficult in practice, at least for me. Today was an Impromptu Ride (IR). The Doc's IR to boot, and as with all IRs, there were more of us that with the official ACG rides. Aside from the whole concept of can "can you organise an impromptu ride?", we also have the vexed question of whether these are if fact Official ACG ride, or some form of Provisional ACG? Students of Irish Republican history can advise on that one.

Anyway, there was Doc, me, Skip, Knight of the Realm, RPM and The Communicator gathered in front of a very sandy Square, early this morning. I'm on a taper, so the idea was a gentle spin of the legs after yesterday's hills, followed by, well an early bath and not much else. I really want to cycle to London with Skip and Rosa tomorrow, but I am holding firm and not doing the AMR Bristol to London ride. Definitely. Not. Really. At all. No.

But it didn't quite work out like that. There is something about Knight of the Realm that reminds me of my older brother and it brings my competitive streak to the surface. We did head over the levels to Sweets cafe, and they kindly served us Scones and coffee despite it being 20 minutes before opening time. But in the last 300 metres I couldn't resist the opportunity for a quickish sprinting head to head with him, just because it's been so long since we did it.

Then on the way back I just, well sot of pushed it a bit. The Knight always does this thing where he sits on your shoulder till the last little rise, and then gets the jump on you to be the first home. So I decided to go early. About five miles early. I know what you are thinking, juvenile stuff, but it was fun.

Not content with that, I thought, seeing as I was out and it was such a nice day, that a couple of hills would be a good idea. Shipham, Rowberrow and then the Airport, down Brockley Coombe and then home again. About 53 miles but only about 2000 feet of climbing, so that's all right surely, counts as a taper doesn't it?

Just a reminder, definitely not going to London. I'm not.

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