Friday 9 July 2010

Time to Rest

That's it now for me, eight whole days without cycling coming up. So for the swansong on the commute I decided to let rip and really go for it.

My enthusiasm for cycling has reached new heights this week. A combination of really feeling the gains I have made this year, I think all the sportives have translated into increased capability. Obviously I am never going to be the best cyclist out there, I started too late and don't have the talent. But I can get better. Just hope I can carry the form on into September when I have two multi-day events that will test me.

Second, the Tour has started. I was initially sceptical about Cav's form. But I should not have doubted him as he wins back to back stages. The green jersey will be difficult, but boy has he still got it. What's more, crying with relief on the podium shows how human he is, despite all the mouth. Yes readers, he reminds me of my younger self, except with more cycling talent obviously. And more money. And he's from the Isle of Man, and has single-minded determination to be the best at what he does at an extraordinarily young age. So not like me at all except for the crying bit.

Back to today. I blasted in to work on the back of a tailwind, along the flat at over 17 mph. The quickest I have done it, and it would have been quick even without the assistance. Coming home I did the long drag up the A38 to the airport, then decided to nip over to Burrington Coombe. Coming home via Shipham I easily beat the speed limit as I zoomed down to Winscombe, topping 42mph again. Finally I climbed my own very personal hill where I live, the steep way. So plenty of hill practice to keep the legs used to it. I am beginning to enjoy hills too much.

My bike will be locked away for a week in the shed, and although some running may get done, it's all part of, shock horror, a PLAN! Very unlike me.

Voila Chalie:

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