Sunday 27 December 2009

Sharp dressed man

Boxing day dawned, a little warmer than the preceding week, so I headed out on the Kona to join JT, her Dad and 4 others (including some real cyclists who effortlessly glided along beside me while I'm busting a gut trying to look nonchalant) for a ride over to Glastonbury.

Because I'm having such a great Christmas, this has to be a short post, suffice to say:

1. It was better than going all the way up congested roads to see West Ham beat Portsmouth, and I got half a day back to watch Back to the Future 2 and 3 (the latter of which has a great appearance from ZZ Top.
2. We got to see KG's new luminous jacket which also has flashing red lights on the back, in fact you can see him in Outer Mongolia
3. There was still ice about, lurking in shady corners waiting to trap the unwary, we nearly had a pretty bad pile up, fortunately no-one hurt
4. 100 Monkeys cafe in Glasto is very nice, but a tad expensive. Still, good of them to open on Boxing Day
5. S (one of said real cyclists) had lovely tinsel on his cycling helmet. He said it was very uncomfortable, but it was very festive
6. The race down the Clewer road was a bit silly Guy, given a. the ice and b. you know both S and GW were being like friendly parents and letting us go on in front.

So a great day, best Christmas ride ever and in fact lifted my mood all through Michael J Fox's meanderings through time. Much of which I slept through, but at least I was there.

Charlie below:

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