Monday 28 December 2009

Now with added cadence.....

Today may, or not, be the last ride of the year, it depends on the weather for the rest of this week. Being the anal type that I am, I record all my rides in far too much detail-it's not healthy.

But for the record, today I passed a quarter of a million calories expended on exercise for the year. So, what if I have eaten more than that to compensate, or slumbered away many a Sunday afternoon, today's 1200-odd calories tipped me over that goal.

It was cold again, a bit icey, worse than boxing day, but not as bad as last week. So I stuck to south-facing back roads and main roads for eat-west bits, as far as I could, and went gingerly down any slopes of any kind. Went north for a change too, out as far as Nailsea, then back via Brockley Coombe and the airport. Down the A38 on Redhill I nearly hit 40 mph, which would have been good considering the weather.

I now have the GSC10 cadence sensor on the Kona working again-it's amazing what reading the instructions can do-so Charlie stats above show how fast my little legs went round all the way. Someone told me that Brockley Coombe has the same profile as the Tourmalet-which I'll be riding up in September-only it's 2 miles instead of 15 miles long. Oh well, I enjoyed the sunshine anyway, it's nice to be able to get outside and roll those wheels!

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