Friday 29 July 2011

Hang on

A very short post today, as time is short. Isn't it always? We have but a short time upon this earth and all that. Anyway, rode to work, rode home, added in an extra hill on both journeys. Belmont Hill near Flax Bourton on the way in, which I love for its crinkum crankum switchbacks and constant changes of pitch and surface.

On the way back, after the by-now obligatory Dundry Hill, and Winford hill, I felt compelled to launch downhill towards the Chew valley by another route and return to the top of the hill via a back lane which had more mud than tarmac.

I have also been studying the noble art of descending, as perfected by the third oldest tour winner in history. Two changes, one don't grip it so hard, (stop sniggering at the back) and relax. Two, focus 30-40 yards ahead, not immediately in front of the wheel. I tried both these out, and like all learned behaviour, it will take a while, but it certainly made me go faster, while paradoxically feeling safer. Let's face it, everybody hurts when you crash, but just maybe this will enable me to enjoy descending in the Pyrenees.

One more word about the current state of weather forecasting in this country: Hopeles. I really will shut up about it now.

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