Friday 20 May 2011

So lost inside your head

I can't believe it's nearly mid-summer, well only a month until the longest day of the year anyway. This morning, as I left to go to work on my bike, it was a typical Spring morning. Nice and sunny a bit misty, birds chirping, deer running alongside me in the field. I was on the road, the deer was in the field.

I expect a bit of chill first thing in the morning, it's nice, a bit of an edge to start the day. But even though the temperature rose during the day, it turned out to be quite a cold day in the sun. On the way home there was a ferocious headwind as well, and I had to put my morning layers back on, and I was still cold.

It's been manic at work so I had a lot of thoughts whirling away in my head. And the wind doesn't really help instill the stillness that cycling often gives me. I miss that. It seems like May has been one headwind after another.

I did my best to take it easy today, just a short hill up out of Wrington on the way in, and mainly flat on the way back. For I have somehow managed to enter lots of events in the next six weeks. In fact I have a sportive every weekend bar one until the end of June, and Bristol's Big bike ride on the bar one. And if I ride into Bristol and back that will make it of sportive distance too.

And they are not small sportives either, well one is, my charity ride is relatively easy. I may eat those words in a few weeks. All the others are frighteningly difficult and challenging. Fate-consider yourself un-tempted.

As predicted the R word finally happened. They say it's not despair that gets you, it's the hope. At half time last week all the results were going for us, and I foolishly started to believe, because I wanted to believe. Despite 40 years of evidence to the contrary I just wanted everything to be all right.

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far. A pound of your money would still be gratefully received, I hope to raise 100 from 100 people but just like the weather it has not turned out as I expected. All contributions gratefully received. Many thanks.

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