Saturday 4 September 2010

Not really the time for blogging

I'll tell you now, this post is a displacement activity. For reasons that I can not really go into at the moment I'm finding it quite hard to think straight, so I was hoping that a bit of typing would at least get my cognitive bits in gear. But I realise now I haven't the heart for it.

I'm not packed either, mainly because I don't know yet what I will have to pack for. It is possible that my trip could be postponed for 12 or so months, I will let you know more in due course. My thoughts, if you can call them that, are with others at the moment, my wife and her family, gathered around the hospital bedside of my father in law, who sadly, is slipping from us.

So I'll merely give you a slimmed down version of my last two rides. Very slimmed down. On Thursday I rode to work and back. I did and Andy Schleck when my chain fell off as I accelerated onto the A38. But I was fine. Today I went to Glastonbury and had a coffee with Skip. She has or will describe it far better than I'm capable of on her website "The Cycling Mayor". Have a look.

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