Saturday 27 February 2010

The Best of Intentions

I was listening to the weather forecast on BBC Fivelive this morning and the weatherman mentioned heavy rain and gales across France tonight which we should escape. Jokingly he said "I hope this doesn't turn out to be my Michael Fish moment". Well my meteorological Beeb friend, your colleagues in the website weather department did that for you yesterday.

I looked at the "fluffy-white cloud, yellow-sun peeking out and ABSOLUTELY NO WIND" forecast for this morning and decided that despite:

a. A late night at a quiz in Bath that resulted in a 3rd place finish, and I really hate losing quizzes, and got back from at 1AM
b. A long tiring week at work
c. Continuing neck pain and general back-grumpiness
d. Lots of other stuff I need to do

I would go on the ACG ride, and plan the route across exposed and potentially muddy (BUT ONLY IF RAINY) territory. So fellow ACGers, I'm sorry, I trusted the forecast and they got it horribly wrong but I take all responsibility.

I also took you to the most expensive cafe in North Somerset, even though it has the best views and the nicest teacups. I think the girl serving has either yet to take her GCSE Maths or else didn't want to rely on the calculator. I have eaten the same food there before and it's been cheaper. Next time it will be two crumpets for a pound at Brean Down.

The overall aim had been to devise a route that we hadn't really done before, and I think I succeeded in that. We could of course have cycled across some fields or a building site and there would have been less mud and fewer holes. I was very drained of energy today so Knight of the Realm pasted me on all the hills, and my lack of concentration showed when crossing the A38. In my torpor, I forgot there were two lanes of traffic. So I got to the middle easily enough, before suddenly realising that there was a long line of traffic approaching, necessitating some careful wiggling across on my part.

We wound our way through Axbridge, puddles, Cross, puddles, Max mill Lane, a bit of tarmac but mainly puddles, Banwell, potholes, Puxton, some tarmac, mainly mud and puddles, Sandford, a bit of sand but mainly ford, and then Wrington.

Finally as we approached the cafe we spotted another cyclist some 100 yards in from so Knight of the Realm and I set off in pursuit. Very juvenile, our "hare" was ambling along minding his own, elegant business, when two childish middle-aged men (it could only be men, women are far too sensible. But who wants to be sensible all their life?) zoomed past pretending they were Thor and Cav.

I really had intended to stay out today after the ACG ride, as the forecast for tomorrow is shocking. Take your hills when you can and all that. Bet that forecast comes true mind. With immaculate timing the first spots of rain descended as we clipped in back towards Wrington. By the time I reached the decision point at Langford I was as wet as half of the 1981 Cabinet so this boy decided he was for turning, very fast towards home. Up the A38, through the lights, Sandford again and Winscombe then home.

A boat would have been more useful, the potholes and grime were lost as the roads transformed into rivers and we all pedalled as fast as we could towards our respective homes. A bit like abandoning the Titanic it was woman and child first, ie Skip and me, and after a relatively short 32 mile ride, the sun predictably appeared just in time for me to wash the bike. Everyone did get home as we all met up again later at Skip's fab banquet in Axbridge town hall. I had intended to stay for the dancing but tiredness and babysitters were calling. I'd also never seen any of the ACG in clothes not of the du Pont hue before. Very disconcerting.

One pleasing note was my decision to don my wedding suit for the banquet. Not only did I look different to all the other chaps, smartly penguined up I may add, but it also still fits me. In fact it's a bit loose, and that can't be bad after 12 years.

A slowish ride as we slowed for potholes and muddy roads, but yet again a fun one. Oh well, I bet if I plan Sainsburys and recycling trips tomorrow, the weather will be fab.

Here's a wet Charlie (you may need to cut and paste into your browsers):

An interesting random speed spike shows that for a second i hit 60mph on the bike. I hope it's not a glitch, I like to think I could sprint if I had to!

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