Sunday 19 June 2011

You've such amazing grace

Pivotal times. There's a lot in this so concentrate. Or go and look at Facebook if you get bored easily.

There's a time when life seems a bit dull, and every ride is the same as the last, and your work is like a giant hamster wheel, and let's face it, we get stuck in a rut.

Today marks the end of the week for me. My weeks run Monday to Sunday because my heart rate monitor does a weekly count of what I have done, and you know how I love a good gadget. This time last week was a bit of a low point. Bunny says I'm the living embodiment of KBO, but it was clear to me that if I kept BO, I'd soon be well and truly B'ed. So something had to change.

I came into this year's cycling season pretty revved up. I hadn't really revved down from last year and although this was great for early season events like the White Horse Challenge, I was rapidly slipping down the curve of performance towards mediocrity and boredom.

It's a small step but I have eaten really healthily this week and set myself some personal fitness targets. Got some rest, gone to bed at sensible times. Been busy but focused at work. Less will be more. I went to a fantastic conference in London on Friday, which though not relevant to a cycling blog, also gave me an opportunity to meet interesting and amazing people and discuss lots of new and different ideas.

And I also realised just how amazing so many of the people in my life are. Don't worry, just because I sat next to an American author and world-renowned coaching expert on Friday doesn't mean I've gone all gushy. It does mean I see the wood for the trees, the wheat for the chaff, the stones for the moss (it's all I can think of). Amazing people. You know who you are, and I admire and respect every one of you.

Except for the Texan, you have played fast and loose with your honesty for too long and the time is coming, I'd  fess up now if I were you.

Anyway today was the Somerset 100 Charity ride for Above and Beyond, (supporting the cancer hospital in Bristol, still time to sponsor me via link at top of the page). It started in Wedmore so Skip and I rode over there, for an 8.30 start. About 50 riders was the final count and I can honestly say I enjoyed it more than anything I have done in ages.

Because I was so well-rested I went off reasonably quickly in a group at the front, but dropped off the back to wait for Skip, who had been caught at some lights. To begin with I was doing most of the work (mainly on the asy flat bits), about half way round we switched over and she did most of the work (on the tough climbs. It was hard, it's the 3rd longest single day ride I've ever done at 117 miles, but I really enjoyed her company today. We are like that.

But the best thing was the whole vibe of the event. Every penny went to charity, a mobile broom and feeding van patrolled the course, driven by volunteers, making sure everyone was OK. Everyone was very relaxed and just nice to each other. Run from Sweets tea rooms, it was all part of their annual fund-raising day, and we arrived back to see the place packed with classic cars, a plant sale, trampolining, horse rides, and all the usual paraphernalia of a charity day, with everyone giving their time for free. People enjoying themselves, doing what the English do best.

The route was largely flat with a few chunky and draggy hills towards the end. From my perspective it doesn't get better. Show me heaven, and if it has a nicer view, friendlier people, then make me a convert.

My performance was better, I averaged over 16 mph for the whole day, including our ride out there and back, the latter was very slow because we'd been gassing at the funday, and although I'm tired and stiff, I can see me getting a bit better before the season finishes. Coupled with all the other dietary and fitness changes I'm making, and of course that perspective, well you won't need to show me heaven, I'll be there on earth.
way there
home run!

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