Sunday 24 January 2010

The hills are alive with the sound of airplanes

Not quite Julie Andrews but today I ventured onto, and indeed up, some hills. Because I promptly fell asleep as soon as I got out of the bath when I was back, I haven't stretched yet either, so my thighs are burning harder than the crazy world of Arthur Brown (the youngsters will need to ask any hippies they know in the older generation).

Following a flattish warm-up across the moor towards Puxton, I also visited the Cafe of the Year 2009 (as judged by the self-appointed cafe committee of the ACG judging panel, yep, me!) at the Walled Garden in Wrington.

After a piece of chocolate cake (there being no Victoria sponge, alas!) I was cycling up towards the back of Bristol airport. After being passed by a young guy spinning away at Lance-like levels of cadence, and speed, I saw a cyclist coming towards me, downhill, slowing, grinning, and exclaiming in a pleasant Yorkshire lilt (how I love regional accents, so quaint), "Hello, how are you!" After a second of confusion, where I thought it was some friendly, lost tourist (because let's face it, northerners are friendlier than us) I suddenly realised it was KG, from the ACG, out on his own in a new top!

So used to his yellow jacket, that I didn't recognise him in the fetching green and white. I am pleased to say that the price on this page has changed from the remarkably cheap price that KG managed to get it at, the Wiggle sale was fantastic, allowing such purchases at about 10% of their usual cost.

Somehow I persuaded him to come back the way he had just come, up the hill, round the back of the airport, dodging the tractors and plane spotters, as I told him I could show him a really pleasant way to Clevedon, where he was heading. KG, if you are reading, it was really good for you, you said you needed to increase your lung capacity after all.

We zipped down Brockley Coombe, a bit nippy after the sunshine and marvellous views at the top of the hill, to the crossroads on the A370. KG headed over the road towards the sea, while I headed back down the main road for a mile, then up (yes up, again!) Goblin Coombe. I'd never gone up this way before, and soon realised why when Charlie displayed 17%, there was ice in the ditches, and lots of steam coming off my head. Eventually I crested the hill before hanging onto the brakes down the other side into Wrington.

By now it was a lovely sunny, winter day, so I thought I'd head over and up over Burrington Coombe. This is a long hill for around here, and is also the scene of my 2006 crash on the MTB, ice, carelessness and downhill all involved. Fortunately, today all were reversed and I eventually emerged into the sun again before speeding down Cheddar gorge and then home.

A pretty but slow ride, didn't really fancy bombing down the hills just yet to make up for the uphills, and I still haven't got my Robert Millar legs. Charlie's stats are below, note the big lumps of green on the player, showing that I really did those hills today!

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