Sunday 25 October 2009

Happy Birthday!

Washing bikes is all about timing. On Friday I had headed out for a spot of hill climbing in typical autumn weather-not too wet, not too dry. Inevitably, the bike had some muck on the frame, and when I arrived home I had that "shall I, shan't I" feeling. About washing the bike that is.

I decided against, which in the light of today proved a good decision. There is nothing I hate more than washing the same bike three times in a week!

Today I headed out with the Axbridge Cycling Group, for a run over to the Walled Garden Cafe in Wrington. It was also JT's official birthday. She's a bit like the queen in that she has a real birthday and an official one, the latter being the anniversary of the start of her cycling blog.

The ACG is becoming a bit like the People's Front of Judea, although unlike the ******** Judean People's front, relations between the various factions remain amicable. So whilst one group headed up the Strawberry Line to the wilds of the North Somerset moors, JT, KG and I headed up to Winscombe, Sandford and Langford to what is for me, a newly-discovered place to eat cake.

Just in time too, because the place was invaded by the Bristol CTC shortly after our arrival, and I believe another pack of 50 cyclists were expected. To paraphrase Fred Pontin (for younger readers-ask your Dad), get there early.

We were now faced with the headwind for our return, and because I was routemaster for the day I was also trying to avoid the busy roads. Clocks having gone back today must have fed some urge from all the motorists to drive round the lanes. So although the back lanes were quiet, they were also full of, how can I put this, livestock detritus? Which made the bike, us and especially Charlie, covered in the stuff.

JT bailed at Sandford because of a family comittment, so KG and I did a loop round the moors, then past the Webbington with the wind behind us back to Axbridge.

See Charlie's stats here:

A round trip of 28 miles, plus the 2/3 at each end to get to Axbridge, average speed of 15.1mph. Oh and lots of cack on the bike, now safely washed and ironed, locked and into the shed.

A good day will now be ruined as I watch Arsenal stuff my beloved Irons. Oh well, mustn't let it get to me.

PS Surprise! Snatched a 2-2 draw after being 2-0 down at half-time, quite possibly a brilliant day.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

that's a very generous interpretation of my reasons for bailing! *grin*